C wing
30th November 2021
The first in-person meet after a long period of trial and tribulation turned out to
be an exciting event!
The meeting started with a lot of excitement, cheer, and the sheer joy of members
meeting each other after a year and a half. The online Zoom sessions had kept us
connected, but they lacked the pleasure of bonding with friends in person.
The laughter and chatter did not cease, as each entry was greeted with shouts of
welcome. There are friends and there is family, and there are friends who become
Games were organized and played with childlike enthusiasm. Members immersed
themselves in Bazaar & World of Vegas and other fun games.
Lots of catching up and giggles were shared over the scrumptious lunch laid out by
Chin Chin.
The ambiance of the place, the variety of food, and meeting after a long absence,
added up to a joyful experience.
It is truly said, you don’t realize the value of Freedom – till they take it away.