A and B wings
23rd November 2021
It was the first physical meet after a gap of 1 year and 8 months, and the excitement of
coming face to face with friends was huge. 3 auditoriums in Inox Atria were booked for the
A & B wing members to see BUNTY & BABLI 2. Alternate seating and social distancing norms were observed. Members poured in for the 10.30 am show, and the theatre foyer was full of chatter & excitement.
The movie started on an entertaining note along with the munchies - popcorn, alu chaat,
tea/coffee. Post interval a proper brunch of baked khichdi with papad, panini sandwich, and strawberry Sandesh kept the members happily engrossed.
Before departing, members stopped to buy the lovely malas made at Nayee Disha, laid out
in the foyer of the Inox Atria.
A productive morning of bonding with friends, watching a morning show with lots of
snacks & so then end with some shopping. Now, what more can a lady want?